We are

BasisPoint provides institutional investors with the most reliable, independent and detailed insights into investments and financial positions.

Our team.

A multidisciplinary team with in-depth knowledge covering investments, risk management and software development.

Olivier Laseroms


Steven Wu


Julius Schoenmaker


Oege Pennin


Marcin Rybacki


Joost Mulder


Max Verheijen


Our mission.

To relieve institutional investors from manual, non-trustworthy and slow-going, inefficient portfolio analyses, and by doing so, to safeguard interests and enhance decision-making.

Reduce complexity.

Our platform will streamline and structure your data, allowing you to find relevant information quickly and easily.

Improve insights.

We will transform raw data into workable and timely insights, allowing you to make informed decisions.

Guarantee objectivity.

Our independent and objective analyses help to eliminate any subjectivity from your insights and the investment process.

“Through BasisPoint's services, we are able to advise our customers correctly and very reliably on a day-to-day basis if necessary.”
Geert Jansen Partner Roccade Advies